玩转 Issue(未完成的译稿)


玩转 Issue

议题(Issue)是 github 中管理任务的有效方法,它能保存任务的进度、跟踪任务的管理和追溯项目的bugs。它有点像可以用来跟团队分享和讨论的邮件。大多数的软件项目都有各自 bugs 追溯系统,GitHub的追溯系统就叫做议题,它在 github 的仓库中发挥着独特的作用。

举个例子,我们来看 Bootstrap 的议题:

因为 GitHub 的运作机制更关注团队的协作、关联和高效沟通,所以 issue 的追溯会设置得比较特别。一个典型 GitHub 的 issue 应具备以下要素:


issue 一旦多了起来,你就可能会一时无可适从了,这是你就需要使用 issue 中的「里程碑」、「标签」和「对接人」的功能了,它们能够及时对 issue 进行标注和分类,让你迅速地找到你想要的信息。


如果你没有看到可编辑的小齿轮,那证明你还没有可修改该 issue 的权限,你可以向该 issue 的管理员申请管理员权限。

「里程碑」是一系列 issue 的集合,它可以通过项目、功能或时段来设定。程序员们喜欢用「里程碑」在软件管理中做各种各样的事情,例如:

Mastering Issues

玩转 Issue

Issues are a great way to keep track of tasks, enhancements, and bugs for your projects. They’re kind of like email—except they can be shared and discussed with the rest of your team. Most software projects have a bug tracker of some kind. GitHub’s tracker is called Issues, and has its own section in every repository.

议题(Issue)是 github 中管理任务的有效方法,它能保存任务的进度、跟踪任务的管理和追溯项目的bugs。它有点像可以用来跟团队分享和讨论的邮件。大多数的软件项目都有各自 bugs 追溯系统,GitHub的追溯系统就叫做议题,它在 github 的仓库中发挥着独特的作用。

For example, let’s take a look at Bootstrap’s Issues section:

举个例子,我们来看 Bootstrap 的议题:

GitHub’s issue tracking is special because of our focus on collaboration, references, and excellent text formatting. A typical issue on GitHub looks a bit like this:

因为 GitHub 的运作机制更关注团队的协作、关联和高效沟通,所以 issue 的追溯会设置得比较特别。一个典型 GitHub 的 issue 应该是这样的:

Milestones, Labels, and Assignees


Once you’ve collected a lot of issues, you may find it hard to find the ones you care about. Milestones, labels, and assignees are great features to filter and categorize issues.

You can change or add a milestone, an assignee, and labels by clicking their corresponding gears in the sidebar on the right.

If you don’t see edit buttons, that’s because you don’t have permission to edit the issue. You can ask the repository owner to add you as a collaborator to get access.

issue 一旦多了起来,你就可能会一时无可适从了,这是你就需要使用 issue 中的「里程碑」、「标签」和「对接人」的功能了,它们能够及时对 issue 进行标注和分类,让你迅速地找到你想要的信息。


如果你没有看到可编辑的小齿轮,那证明你还没有可修改该 issue 的权限,你可以向该 issue 的管理员申请管理员权限。



Milestones are groups of issues that correspond to a project, feature, or time period. People use them in many different ways in software development. Some examples of milestones on GitHub include:

「里程碑」是一系列 issue 的集合,它可以通过项目、功能或时段来设定。程序员们喜欢用「里程碑」在软件管理中做各种各样的事情,例如:


Labels are a great way to organize different types of issues. Issues can have as many labels as you want, and you can filter by one or many labels at once.


Each issue can have an assignee — one person that’s responsible for moving the issue forward. Assignees are selected the same way milestones are, through the grey bar at the top of the issue.


你可以用各种你想要标签来有效地管理 issue,有了标签,你立马就可以从一堆标签中筛选出你想要的 issue。


每个 issue 都应有一个负责推进对接人,对接人的设定方式和里程碑的设定一样:点击对应的齿轮按键选择即可。

Notifications, @mentions, and References

By using @mentions and references inside of Issues, you can notify other GitHub users & teams, and cross-connect issues to each other. These provide a flexible way to get the right people involved to resolve issues effectively, and are easy to learn and use. They work across all text fields on GitHub — they’re a part of our text formatting syntax called GitHub Flavored Markdown.

If you’d like to learn more, have a look at Mastering Markdown.

通知,@提醒 和 引用

你可以使用 issue 中的 @提醒 和 引用 来通知 GitHub 用户和团队,或相互链接到其他的 issue。通知,@提醒和引用 在 github 中使用GitHub Flavored Markdown全文本格式的流转,上手容易,且能灵活准确地通知对接人快速高效解决 issue 中的问题。

如果你想更多地了解 GitHub Flavored Markdown,可点击 Mastering Markdown。


Notifications are GitHub’s way to keep up to date with your Issues. You can use them to find out about new issues on repositories, or just to know when someone needs your input to move forward on an issue.

There are two ways to receive notifications: via email, and via the web. You can configure how you receive notifications in your settings. If you plan on receiving a lot of notifications, we like to recommend that you receive web + email notifications for Participating and web notifications for Watching.


通知是一种让你跟踪 issue 动态的方式,他带有明显 GitHub 特色,你可以由此掌握仓库的新 issue,接收别人对你的输出请求。

接收通知的方式有两种:邮件和网页。你可以自由设置通知的接收方式,如果你乐意接收大量的通知,我们推荐你使用 邮件+网页 的组合,这样,你就用邮件来参与回复通知,用网页来查看通知。
